The Philadelphia Story (2024)

The Philadelphia Story

by Philip Barry

Tracey Lord - Gwen Davis
Dinah Lord - Alex Newman
Sandy Lord - Glen Guyver-Fletcher
Margaret Lord - Kathy Buckingham-Underhill
Seth Lord - Colin Ritchie
Uncle Willie - Neil Vallance
Mike - Mark Oram
Liz - Eleanor Lake
Dexter - Adam Turner
Kittredge - Dai Rees
Thomas - Brian Goredema-Braid
Elsie - Jill Laurie

Director - Graham Buckingham-Underhill
Designer - Jeevan Nangla
Lighting - Steve Roberts, Katy Hawke
Sound - Colin Thomas
Stage Manager -
Corrina Jacob
Assistant Stage Manager - Emi Burrows
Wardrobe - Rosie Gowers
Props - Maurice Smith

Photos by Rob Warner
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